Before you start...

A couple of things before you create your theme.

A theme file just tells Desktop Themes what to setup. A theme file does not include the Graphics, sounds, cursors, icons, etc. These are packaged along side the Theme file. This is because Windows needs to reference each file.

When you distribute your files and Theme file, they MUST go into the \Program Files\Plus!\Themes\ directory when installed. Microsoft�s Desktop Themes installer, best works if all files are in the above directory. NOTE: If a screensaver is included, then that MUST go into the Windows\System folder. The best way to do this is to copy all files to the Themes directory and then create your theme.

Wherever you load a file from, only the filename will be written to the file, and not the full path. This means it doesn�t matter where you load the files from to create your theme, as long as they end up in the \Program Files\Plus!\Themes\ directory when distributed.

In this release, ThemeMaker will now copy all chosen files to a directory in the ThemeMaker directory. This allows you to zip up all files, including the *.Theme file(which, by the way, is also created in the ThemeMaker directory). This makes it very simple to distrubute all files.

The next release will include the ability to automatically zip up all files without the use of Winzip or any other zipping utility.

You should not use images, sounds or anything in your Theme that is copyright to another individual or company. If you do, I cannot and will not be held responsible for any action that the owner of the copyrighted item takes.

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